DirekChannel, a Canadian federal
corporation, registered under 6585442 Canada Ltd, specializes in sales and
installation of telecom and security products, providing effective solutions
towards acquiring large scale clienteles from massive market. The corporation
was first founded in 1999 targeting mass residential market. Within two years,
it achieved over 10, 000 consumer accounts. On November 5, 2001, the company
brought in more partners and was incorporated to a larger scale to explore
telecommunications and security products and services. For the past twelve
years, DirekChannel has partnered with Rogers Cable, Sears Security, Sprint
Canada, Primus Telecommunications, Telus Mobility, Reliance Protectron and Bell
Canada and has successfully acquired over 60, 000 customers in the industry,
thanks to hundreds of hardworking sales and
customer care agents, specialists and managers, electrical and IT technicians
and admin employees, who are working or used to work in the company.
Home and business security
service is a flagship product of DirekChannel Security. It incorporates the most
advanced high tech application into traditional security services, making it
possible to cater services for customers from simple intrusion and fire
protections to video involved security and further to the smart home concept.
With five state-of-the-art monitoring stations across Canada, in Vancouver,
Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City, running 24/7/365 regardless of all
weather conditions, DirekChannel is doing its very best to watch out for its